My Passions

Passions are things in people’s lives that give them pleasure, love doing and provides quality of life. Personally, I have what I consider to be very particular passions. First and foremost, I am extremely passionate about travel and experiencing the world and its multitude of cultures first hand. Within the past seven years, I have traveled to Greece twice, Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Las Vegas, California and Florida just to name a few. To put it mildly, you can say I have the “travel bug.” Instead of going on shopping sprees, I worked hard and saved money to continue my travels. One of the benefits of being a teacher is having the time to provide this opportunity. You can guess what I will be using my summer vacations to do J.

In addition, I am passionate striving for excellence. Since I was young, whatever I set my mind to, I always wanted to be on top. This idea and self attitude has followed me into adulthood. I am known for having a competitive attitude that doesn’t stop until I succeed. Unfortunately, this passion has caused me some frustration, because you cannot always be the “winner.” However, I will continue to use this as my motto, “If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right.”

Lastly, my family means the world to me. Growing up, I have learned numerous life lessons from the people around me. I will strive to teach the value of family and tradition one day when I have my own.


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